Overcoming Adversity: Lessons from Stephanie Fountain's Triumph in Real Estate

1 year ago

Starting a career in real estate is challenging for anyone. However, Stephanie L Fountain's journey is particularly inspiring, as she managed to overcome homelessness, losing her business, a malpractice that caused the loss of her kidney, and a brain injury. Despite these obstacles, Stephanie went on to become a successful real estate agent, closing over 6 million in revenue in her first year. In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at her story and the lessons we can learn from it.
Stephanie had owned a massage clinic with 11 employees before malpractice from Veterans Affairs accidentally killed her kidney. She lost her business in November 2018 and lost her kidney in February of 2019. She moved to Virginia in August and was driving for Uber and doing massages to make ends meet. While driving for Uber, she listened to an audiobook about real estate and became intrigued by the industry. She decided to explore real estate, but she realized that she couldn't read and went to the doctors to find out that she had a brain injury. Despite the challenges, she completed the real estate course and started working as a realtor.
Stephanie's previous careers and entrepreneurial activities gave her a unique set of skills that transferred to real estate. She used her experience in layout and design, public speaking, and stimulating endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin to build her business through social media and networking. She implemented positive tactics like being informative and educating, friendly, and smiling while talking, and focused on visualizing that many people were listening to her, even if only one person was.
Stephanie's approach to networking involves making small talk, being approachable, and sharing knowledge with others. Networking groups have been a driving force for her business, and she recommends surrounding oneself with people who have the same goals and supporting each other. Stephanie emphasizes the importance of authenticity in content marketing, which helps attract similar people and improve client relationships. She also uses videos to educate clients about the buying and loan processes and obtaining video reviews.
Stephanie's journey teaches us some valuable lessons. First, it's essential to embrace the idea of continuous improvement. Even if we can take away one tool from a long period of learning, it can change our lives drastically. Getting 1% better everyday compounds over time, leads to an exponential improvement. Second, we can overcome our fears by listening to empowering music and affirmations, visualizing the process that we want to go through, and accepting ourselves. Third, it's essential to communicate and create content in videos to become better at the skill, even if we make mistakes at first. Finally, Stephanie's story shows that depression and bad days are common, but we can learn to cope and overcome these obstacles.
Stephanie L Fountain's journey is a testament to the power of perseverance, resilience, and self-belief. Despite facing numerous setbacks, she managed to turn her life around and create a successful career in real estate. Her story inspires us to embrace the idea of continuous improvement, overcome our fears, and communicate our message through videos and networking. We can all learn from Stephanie's story and apply these lessons to our lives, no matter what industry we're in.

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Don't forget to reach out to Stephanie L Fountain:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stephanielfountainrealestate/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stephanielfountainrealestate/
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@stephanielfountain

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