Six Incapacitated Pilots in 2 Weeks

1 year ago

6 Pilots have been incapacitated mid-flight in the last 2 weeks in the USA as of March 23, 2023.

April 9th 2022
Captain Bob Snow pilot for American Airlines flight 1067 Denver to DFW had a cardiac arrest 6 minutes after touchdown at DFW airport.

July 6, 2022 Strasbourg, Germany identity and Democracy Group Conference POST VAC FLIGHT RISKS Are you safe on board a plane?
Christine Anderson Member of European Parlaiment from Germany stated:

"Alot of pilots that did not want to get vaccinated have been laid off, and the ones that did get vaccinated because they had families to feed and mortgages to pay all of these things to take care of may no longer be fit to fly, and that is a problem. And to the globalist elites it must be a shocker. Imagine? First people are forced to get a vaccination, to only then find out it might actually be the dumbest thing they ever did."

November 19, 2022
Captain Patrick Ford of the American Eagle Embraer 175 passed out at the controls at 7:59 p.m. on Saturday, shortly after the plane had taken off from the runway.

January 16, 2023 Yeti Airlines flight 691 crashed while landing at Pokhara, killing all 72 occupants on board. The pilot gave no warning of any problems with the aircraft and the weather was clear with light winds.

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