An Odd Fairytale at Pink Rock & Farmington Missouri – The Danseuse of the Spring

1 year ago

The Danseuse of the Spring

Once upon a time, once upon a place, not so long ago, there was a beautiful young woman named Ezra. Now Ezra wasn't exactly beautiful in a traditional sense of beauty; no, Ezra had something greater than run-of-the-mill beauty. In fact, she had something many would lie, cheat, and steal for but will never possess—yup, she had IT. It's something deep in her eyes. Something grounded. There's something primitive about her and the way she moves. That's it, and it's the way she holds herself with a sense of wonderment, a sense of wildness, a sense of focus, a sense of grace… Simply put, in a time when so many of us long to be someone else, Ezra was comfortable with Ezra. She understood modern civilization and authentic beauty—she understood that, like civilization, beauty too, is only skin deep.
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