Time: Mathematical Enigmas! Measuring Time

1 year ago

How about learning about the measurement of time used by the ancient Egyptians? They developed a complex system based on observing the stars and the sun to accurately monitor the weather.
The Egyptian solar year was divided into three seasons: the flood, the sowing and the harvest, each four months long. The Egyptians used a lunar calendar of 12 months of 30 days each, but they knew that this calendar did not correspond to the actual solar year. To correct this difference, they added five days to the end of the lunar calendar.
They also used an instrument called a merkhet to monitor the position of the stars and the sun and accurately calculate time and determine the position of the sun.
Impressive, isn't it? The ancient Egyptians had advanced knowledge in measuring time and applied this knowledge in several areas, and even today we use time for agriculture, construction, and even that event with your friends.
Have you ever imagined what your life would be like without the measurement of time? Leave it in the comments!

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