Government shouldn't divide people by identity: Vote NO to The Voice Referendum - Senate 21.03.23

1 year ago

This week the Senate has wasted three days debating how the Voice referendum will be conducted.

It was a complete waste of time brought about by the Labor party who are more interested in identity politics than actually dealing with the cost of living.

The Prime Minister finally released the details of the referendum today.

It is completely ambiguous in its wording, which means if it gets up it will open a path to treaty and the destruction of property rights.

It will allow a select class of people who define themselves as aboriginal to have direct representation to the executive. This means that any discussions will remain completely confidential and representatives will be unaccountable.

The proposed Voice to Parliament undermines everything that democracy stands for.
If you don't want your children to live as second class citizens in their own country then vote NO.

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