New Guns: For the June 2019 Tactical Games

1 year ago

New Games - New Gun: Coming into the June 2019 Tactical Games at Atlanta, Georgia, I have some new hardware I'll be running. After running the prototype Sugar Weasel Q built for me, I have a legit one. A true to life Q Sugar Weasel built off of their new upper and lower receiver sets and all of the other goodies. Still topping it with the Scalarworks PEAK Fixed Iron Sights and a Primary Arms Cyclops 1x Prism Scope in a Scalarworks LEAP Mount.

Since the Tactical Games has a no muzzle brake or compensator rule (lame), I opted to run the Trash Panda silencer on it. The one I built as part of my Factory to Table Series, as well as the suppressor cover I made with Cole-Tac.

Pistol-wise, I'll be rolling with a Heckler & Koch P30. I borrowed it the other day from a buddy. I'll order a Safariland ALS holster and I should be good to go.

We'll see how this combo and I do down at the Tactical Games in June 2019…


Smith Director Elite Glasses

Q Ingenuity T-Shirt

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