Understanding Money. Who issues the money? John Root Unity Team Episode 1 #infowindnewnews

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Governing Ourselves Podcast Episode 1 March 23 at 8PM Central Time LIVE
Understanding Money. Who issues the money?  
Why are you not confident that you know who issues the money?  
Why does it matter or not matter that you are not confident about your answer?  
Is what the money is being issued for causing the distortion of human nature and all the problems?  Is there something about money that we must understand in order to become self-governing? 

Where does money come from – in its essence?  What is it?  Money is by its nature a measure of value.  As with all measures like inches or pounds or hours there is widespread agreement or a law about what you must use.  Money measures value.  As with time, value is both objective and it is subjective.  All value is created with intelligent labor transforming nature.  The unit of measure must be constant in order to make honest exchanges of value take place.  

Money is the primary tool the sovereign uses to create the conditions in which the people live. 
 It is therefore the problem and the solution.  
If we are sovereign we will issue the money to create the conditions in which we want to live. 
 No usury, no debt, just equity.  
Everyone shares in the dividend according to our sense of justice.  
Equitable, not equal.  
We are Egoists and we are Altruists.  Human nature.  

If you are looking down the rabbit holes and wondering what is remedy all that ails us? The remedy as in creating the world we desire, then Join me each Thursday evening at 8PM Central time for our new podcast Governing Ourselves Podcast with the entire Unity Team. Hosted by John Root and Joe Charter. Please press the “Follow” button at INFOWIND NEW NEWS Facebook Page to get the notification for the live shows please Follow and like now. https://www.facebook.com/INFOWINDco

John Roots Web sites:www.justabundance.org

As Buckminster Fuller pointed out: “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” - R. Buckminster Fuller
Unity Team Overview
The Ideal Universal Society
The World We Know In Our Hearts Is Possible https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X67h8mMOnLb3-qjQnbT66Oxln9mL0iY15xgu8kyVDrk/edit#
Unity Table of Contents

The World We Know In Our Hearts Is Possible (TWWKIOHIP); a free, peaceful, healthy, just, collaborative, life-empowering, and regenerative world where we all thrive

Just Abundance

We are looking for warriors in media, our plan includes functioning broadcasting and production studios strategically located outside of major metropolitan cities throughout the USA. We are looking for one person to inject $500,000.00 to begin this process of hiring people and expansion of local reporters in FCM studios. Will be the brand or entity for which all of these small efficient studios will unite under in the future. They will consist of 2 outside reporters who bring in video recorded reports and interviews from a radius of approximately 200 miles an will be responsible to also gather “virtual” guests for reporting purposes. All travel will be by 2 specially branded vehicles equipped with proper video and audio equipment and software/computers and these reporters will be proficient in video production using adobe or other creative video producing software such as DeVinci Resolve, Magic Movie by Apple and or other. The small studios will be located in homes or affordable leased commercial spaces and equipped for broadcasting live and producing information.

I pray we break the chains of controls placed on humanity and learn to live free with boldness heading into the future. To schedule your selves to "go live" To learn about INFOWIND NEW NEWS opportunities please fill out the form at the Join the team tab here https://www.infowindnewnews.com/join-our-team/

Joe Charter INFOWIND new News

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