Remote Viewing My Ominous Feeling. Origin Unknown Part 1. Virus, What is to come? (2017)

1 year ago

This videos is truly fascinating, it was uploaded on Nov 10, 2017 by Edward Riordan who has a YouTube channel dedicated to remote viewing. The original is still on YouTube, so the date has not been manipulated.

If you watch the video "Died Suddenly", it's hard not to see the correlations.

"Nov 10, 2017
I had a strange sensation enter my awareness on the morning of November 9, 2017. The feeling could only be described as a low level rumbling type of sensation hitting my awareness. The feeling was so strange I decided to remote view the origin of this strange sensation. The session was more bizarre then I anticipated and to tell you the truth I am more curious now then I was while it was happening. Very strange type of broadcast or transmission took place. sound quality isn't great."

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