Gangs of America Streets of America

1 year ago

WHISTLEBLOWING PODCAST: releasing information on worlds largest cyber security breach and the group responsible for violation of human and civil rights worldwide .... ApplyAloe.. its going to burn..
Vulnerabilities in the data and personal security area are causing huge crimes against humanity, crimes against the government, and other countries as well.Largest fraudulent identity & trafficking ring world wide. -Terrorizing individuals -targeted individuals. -Human Drone Program -Man in the middle cyber war breaches. -SKIMMING BILLIONS$$ on the daily from governments citizens and businesses world wide. -they use their own country wide Network ISP hidden right in front of everybody, keeping their telco hidden but placing us all on their “network” for data rape, data mining from out brains, and no touch torture
Crimes against Humanity, Civil RIghts, Human RIghts Violations are just he tip of the iceburg.
For ore inforation on other targeted individuals or just to see what gang stalkers are doing ot other people other than me. check out Kevin Christtian "targeted individual" on youtube and facebook twitter as well. He is very much telling the truth and i share xome of the same experieneces with him upto and sometimes have included them happeneing to he and myself at same time as each other.
Check out the 2016-2018 online show and see if the show heard around the world and their rave reviews match up with stories of your life, as they did mine...

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