Chrissie Mayr TRIES To Hang New Neon Sign with Dental Floss!? This won't end well. Fealty SuperCut

1 year ago

In this Mayr in The Morning clip, Chrissie Mayr installs the new channel swag provided by Invidia! A Chrissie Mayr Podcast Neon Sign! Chrissie's name is bright and epic all in lights thanks to the coolest channel moderator on the internet. Invidia is bringing the swag to the channel and also causing for this funny compilation of the silliest sign install. We also learn that dental floss... may just be the new best way to hang things in your home? Not only can it keep a sign up, but it will smell minty fresh while it does it. Are you team floss or team hole?

#ChrissieMayr #Podcast #girlpower

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