Please support this Guy and his anemale also me

1 year ago

Moti Update: I know everybody has been waiting to hear if Moti was able to stand today. Sadly, he just didn't have the strength to do it today. He was able to sit up enough for the team to at least freshen the mud bed below him and have a look at the skin on the side he is lying on. We've been worried about him developing pressure sores on that side from remaining in one position for awhile and it is confirmed that he is starting to develop them. :( Tomorrow he will be repositioned on his other side.

Moti drank about 40 liters of water. He is also receiving fluids through an IV.

He is continuing to show daily progress with the inflammation in his right leg. There was a reduction of another inch in the last 24 hours. For those of you who are just joining us in following Moti's story, that is a reduction of 3 inches in the last 72 hours.

Although his prognosis is very serious and he faces an uncertain outcome, we continue to stay by his side and provide him with love, care and affection. These are all the things he has been deprived of in his life. We are grateful to you for your compassion for Moti and for standing with us in our efforts to save him!

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