Bulletproof Fitness Isolator Back Workout (Incredibly VERSATILE Rack Attachment)

1 year ago

Bulletproof Fitness Isolator Back Workout (Incredibly VERSATILE Rack Attachment)

➡️ Read my in-depth Bulletproof Fitness Isolator review https://ShreddedDad.com/bulletproof-isolator/

➡️ Buy the Isolator here https://ShreddedDad.com/isolator

➡️ Bulletproof Isolator https://shreddeddad.com/product/bulletproof-fitness-isolator/

Bulletproof Isolator Back Workout

In this workout I'm using the Bulletproof Fitness Equipment to train my lower back, middle back, and lats.

The first exercise I show a lower back hyperextension using two of the Isolator attachments: The seat pad and long roller.

For the second and third exercise I'm using the curl bar attachment and the multi-strap strap attachment for a seated row and lat pulldown.


With its dual arm design and 360 degrees of attachment rotation, the Bulletproof Fitness Isolator can be configured in so many ways making it one of the most versatile power rack attachments available for home gym and garage gym owners.


➡️ Read my in-depth Bulletproof Fitness Isolator review https://ShreddedDad.com/bulletproof-isolator/

➡️ Buy the Isolator here https://ShreddedDad.com/isolator


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Bulletproof Fitness Isolator Back Workout (Incredibly VERSATILE Rack Attachment)

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