Black Ops Hangout (Jacked Goblin, Lenny, Bart, Flax)

1 year ago

Original upload date: Jan 24, 2023

0:00 - muh pre-podcast banter
1:40 - Young men and the black pill
5:11 - Events leading up to discovering the black pill
9:14 - The Incelsphere!
12:11 - incel chat btw
23:05 - Reflecting on Black Ops history
42:32 - Card drama: Jacked's story
48:09 - Card drama: Mix's story
1:05:05 - Aftermath and other anecdotes
1:13:53 - Mix makes a new friend
1:16:44 - Further reflection on the drama
1:19:40 - Young men and the black pill (Explored further)
1:24:38 - Societal stigma on men and the modern dating scene
1:34:00 - Outro

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