Netanyahu Is Taking Down The Club In Israel And In The USA

1 year ago

In the video I say Ehud Barak was the CEO of the Startup Epstein worked for, INSTEAD Wiki says the firm was “headed” by Barak, but the CEO was another and Epstein “invested” in the company without saying it worked for it, his official job was “investor”. Here the exact quote:
Israeli startup – In 2015, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported that Epstein invested in the startup Reporty Homeland Security (rebranded as Carbyne in 2018).[75][76][77] The startup was connected with Israel’s defense industry. It was headed by former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, who was also at one time the defense minister, and chief of staff of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). The CEO of the company is Amir Elihai, a special forces officer, and Pinchas Bukhris, a director of the company and former defense ministry director general and commander of IDF cyber unit 8200.[78] Epstein and Barak, the head of Carbyne, were close, and Epstein often offered him lodging at one of his apartment units at 301 East 66th Street in Manhattan.[79][80] Epstein had past experience with Israel’s research and military sector.[81] In April 2008, he went to Israel and met with a number of research scientists and visited different Israeli military bases.[81] During this trip, he thought about staying in Israel in order to avoid trial, and possible jail, for charges he was facing for sex crimes; however, he opted to return to the United States.[82]

CORRECTION: In The Video I Say That With The Judicial Reform The Government Can Appoint And REMOVE Judges, Instead It Can Appoint Judges But Not Remove Them, What They Can Remove Is The Legal Advisors To The Ministers SOURCE WIKIPEDIA 2023 Israeli Judicial Reform -,%27s%20Constitution%2C%20Law%20and%20Justice%20Committee%2C%20Simcha%20Rothman. - All In All It Makes The Judiciary Irrelevant To The Politicians, The Corpus Iuris Non Existent And /Or Irrelevant To Open The Doors To Wild Legislation And To Theocracy Allowing Sort Of Jewish Sharia Tribunals Handled Directly By The Rabbis - see source - It's Unbelievable Netanyahu Is Doing This

QUOTE FROM WIKI: “Simultaneously with the reforms curbing the powers of the civil judiciary, the government is progressing reforms to widen the authority of the Rabbinical Court, allowing them to act as arbitrators in civil matters using religious law, if both parties consent.[15]“

It’s the end of Secularism and of the Laic State.

According to David Grossman who strongly opposes the Reform, Netanyahu – who’s personally a laic Jew, he’s not an Ultra-Orthodox and a man we thought wanted to empower secular Judaism, more modern, more similar to the Western Countries – well Grossman accuses him of doing this pact with the Devil aka the Ultra-Orthodox who “do not feel represented by the judiciary” because he’s scared of going to jail. It opens the doors to the Jewish equivalent of Sharia Tribunals, or? And without Constitution the Legislators, the Members of the Knesset, can legislate wildly, with no restraint, actually you may have a woman whipped in public square for adultery and I’m not joking, it is possible.

I give an advice to the Israelis: the children of the Orthodox /Ultra Orthodox Jews must be taught Secularism at school compulsorily, because if they become the majority you’ll have the whipping of the adulterers in the streets or even cutting hands of the thieves. You in Israel must have a Constitution, Netanyahu must be stopped. It’s unbelievable he’s doing this.


Israeli Democracy Faces a Mortal Threat
By David Grossman – The Atlantic

If Benjamin Netanyahu and his coalition have their way, my country could deteriorate into a dictatorship.

Israel now finds itself in one of the gravest crises it has ever known. Even after the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, the dangers the country faced were less tangible: In November 1995, it was clear that a new prime minister would be instated in a lawful, orderly transition. The situation now is different. Three of the Israeli Parliament’s most extremist, nationalistic members—Minister of Justice Yariv Levin; Constitution, Law and Justice Committee Chair Simcha Rothman; and Benjamin Netanyahu, the near-omnipotent prime minister—are acting with all their might and no qualms to create a new legal system in place of the present one, which they claim discriminates against them and does not represent their worldview or values.

Legally, they are within their rights: In Israel’s most recent election, last November, the parties that now form the ruling coalition came out four members ahead in the 120-member Knesset. But they are employing a rushed and belligerent procedure that is unprecedented in Israel. Their objective is to enact not only a series of changes to the extant system, but a total alteration of the country’s DNA.

Yossi Klein Halevi: Netanyahu’s betrayal of democracy is a betrayal of Israel

If the initiators of this so-called judicial reform are able to complete their legislative process, they will effectively revoke rule of law in Israel. The judiciary would be subordinated to the Knesset and the government, and new judges would be appointed by politicians. In other words, the citizens of Israel would no longer be guaranteed legal protections against the arbitrariness of the regime. If the process is seen through, Israel will cease to be a democracy and could, under certain circumstances, deteriorate into a dictatorship.

Netanyahu is embroiled in legal proceedings, having been charged with bribery, fraud, and breach of trust. He has proved himself willing and able to do anything within his power to alter the entire legal system in order to avoid going to prison. To that end, he has allied himself with the most messianic, thuggish, and unsavory elements of Israeli society, and has handed crucial and highly sensitive government portfolios to their representatives. Does this man have any constraints?

Netanyahu claims that his victory in the last election—which he won by a margin of 30,000 votes—entitles him to enact what he calls the “reform.” Yet Israeli citizens did not vote to authorize such a drastic course of action. Practically speaking, the changes making their way through the legislative process mean that the prime minister would……..
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