Back the Blue: Why Police Need Our Support Now More than Ever (ft. Sgt. Betsy Smith)

1 year ago

In this exclusive interview, the National Police Association’s Sgt. Betsy Smith (ret.) gave dozens of reasons why all Americans should back the blue, but the most compelling one comes down to this: Just one word or sign of affirmation can literally save their lives.

The war on cops happening today is like nothing Sgt. Smith — a seasoned law enforcement veteran — has ever seen. And she has the sobering stats to prove it: In 2022 there were hundreds of police officers shot; more than 60,000 assaulted; and a 150% rise in police ambushes.

The cause? She blames the vilification of cops, day in and day out, in the media and the broader culture. And the toll on their mental health from this demoralization campaign is brutal.

The solution? Say thank you. Smile. Acknowledge the good work they’re doing. Elaine Beck takes it several steps further and encourages people to get out there and visit the local precincts like she did — bringing coffee and donuts helps — but even just showing up, saying thank you, and offering to pray with them can make all the difference.

“Just knowing that citizens care about us, that they’re smiling at us, and that they’re praying for us — there’s nothing more important than that,” said Sgt. Smith. “That could make a cop’s day or their entire month. You just don’t know how much of a difference you’ll make in someone’s life.”

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