United States of Economic Warfare

1 year ago

The United States used economic sanctions to pressure, intimidate, or undermine other countries. These sanctions can destroy economies and, as a result, kill many innocent people. Meanwhile U.S. Presidents talk about peace.

For articles on geopolitics, investigative journalism, data analytics and more, see:
- substack: https://newcoldwar.substack.com/
- medium: https://medium.com/@w.f.hoenderdaal

Data on sanctions come from The Global Sanctions Data Base (GSDB): https://globalsanctionsdatabase.com/

- West point 2014 speech Obama
- West point speech 2008 Obama
- Kennedy speech: https://www.jfklibrary.org/archives/other-resources/john-f-kennedy-speeches/american-university-19630610

Song: Sinister - Anno Domini Beats.mp3 from Youtube studio library

Interview with Madeleine Albright on 60 Minutes: Punishing Saddam, May 12, 1996, CBS News

Animation made with Processing: https://processing.org/

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