2023-03-23 In the last 24 hours (among many mortar and artillery shells) a American HIMARs Rocket

1 year ago

In the last 24 hours (among many mortar and artillery shells) a American HIMARs Rocket and a Ukrainian Ballistic Missile ( Tochka U ) has purportedly hit civilian areas in Donetsk.
In this special report we start at a residential area where a home was completely destroyed as a result of what seemed to a American HIMARs Rocket attack fired by Ukraine. We met the owner of the home and he explained how he had to dig his wife out of the rubble after the house come down on her. He explained that she was in surgery and he did not know if she would survive. This man worked in the Donetsk coal mines for 30 years to build his life and know it is all gone.
After this location we went to a report of an attack on a Donetsk water company office. We found that Ukraine had fired a Ballistic Missile ( Tochka U ) on the building a residential area(right next to a school and homes).

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