The No Focus Radio Hour: Fresno and Beyond since 2012 - The no Focus Radio Hour Ep 171: "The...

1 year ago

The no Focus Radio Hour Ep 171: "The very true story of Nobes Barbuckle and John Revere."

This week we have a special treat...the entire crew is back in the saddle! We get busy talking about:
What's new with us? Inflation and how we afford life..or how do we afford life? Figaros Fast Food Prices John Stossel TV - Soda Tax and how it hurts ( Local News More Rain ( Linking Dreams A New Tiger in Fresno ( New School in Clovis - ( Satoshi “Fibber” Hirayama WTF School Fights ( Solar? Ryan Lacey - The Energy Experts ( Diciccos - Shields and Armstrong Coming Attractions! Shaver Lake BrewFest - July 8th Hobbs Grove Midway to Halloween (

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