The Scranton Times Lawsuit with Phil Godlewski

1 year ago

Sue Happy Grifter Extraordinaire Phildo Fraudlewski is selling half truths with an added 20% OF [TRUTH!] discount in his Final Countdown Going of Business Liquidation Sale. That’s right. Just sign up with Phildo if you COULD & his team will take great care of you. White glove service if you use code word MOLE. M-O-L-E—-like the recognizable criminal mole who has been living and working with his lil joystick since 1983. It’s been a love-hate relationship, just like all of his relationships.

Phildo is very PROUD to be able to put this Story in front of you today for such an unprecedented price. The Experts are predicting the value will double or likely quadruple (times infinity!) any day now so be sure to buy one for you and for your entire phamily.
This story originated with the creator of Philharmonic Symphony of LIES—Bad Liar himself, Philip John Godlewski. He offers 20% OF half truths only once or twice a day so be sure to purchase yours today. Comes with an extra mini Chinese Chsimsaw to help #ExposePhilGodlewski and chop your brain out in one mind-numbing fell swoop.

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