Parallel Mike Podcast 01- The Occult Origins of Central Banking with Ian Ferguson

1 year ago

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Guest Bio:
Ian has spent the majority of his life seeking truth both within and without. Ian had a spiritual awakening when he was 12 years old wherein he saw the world was in some sense a dream and he was being dreamed by the Great Dreamer. Not long after, the hormones hit and Ian went back into a state of unconsciousness for many years. Then, when Ian was 24, he took a Religions of India class and read the Bhagavad Gita. One passage caused my spirit to vibrate like a struck bell. It reads:
"Sword cannot cut it, Fire cannot burn it, Air cannot wither it, Water cannot drown it. This unbreakable soul that cannot be burned, dissolve in water or dry up, is surely everlasting, all-pervading, unchangeable, unmovable and primordial."

When Ian read that passage there was a deep resonance and a spark came alive inside of him. This began a 20 year journey into the depths of his spiritual nature. In the mid 2000's Ian was apprenticed with a Siberian shaman whose line came from Kamchatka. Though brief this apprenticeship activated Ian psychically and marked an acceleration of Ian's spiritual journey. This culminated in rediscovering the arte of Jyotish "The Science of Light" also known as Vedic Astrology. Ian has since realized that the deep resonance he feels with Jyotish is due to many past lives as an Astrologer in Vedic India. A few years ago, Ian began his journey into the Celestial current of the Most High via his exploration of Angelic Magick. Over the course of two years of intense ritual workings, Ian made his way through the 9 choirs and three celestial angelic spheres and currently he works with the Seraphim. This portion of his spiritual journey has in turn led to an increase in his already very strong psychic gifts. Now Ian uses these gifts and skills to help guide others as we traverse the storm swept seas of Late Kali Yuga.

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Take care, and thanks for watching!

Parallel Mike

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