CMV: Americans saying that the US is a third world country are ignorant #america #american #usa

1 year ago

CMV: Americans saying that the US is a third world country are ignorant and have never set foot on actual third world countries
This ignores how third world countries can have functioning parts of their societies that don't have murder-rates worse than some active warzones \*cough\**Detroit\*cough\**
Why the flock are we still using cold war metaphors of "third world nations" in 21st century?
The problem is that you’re treating the entire USA as one homogenous country. There are areas that are comparable to 3rd world countries that are comparable in size to other countries but bc they’re part of the USA they get lumped with every other state.
I can’t change your mind on this one. You are spot on. The only rationale I can come up with is that they are referring to the very minuscule percentage of the population that live in a third world type of way and a lot of them are mentally I’ll and do so by their own doings.
Could these Americans be making use of hyperbole in their statements?
It depends on the third world country and what part of America.
When cities in the Unites States can't provide safe drinking water for several years in a row it doesn't appear to be a developed country. Another example is infrastructure like power generation failing. because the entire state didn't bother to winterize generators.
Look man I'm from a 3rd world country and what's happening here is so horrible and cringe that US is like a paradise. Americans, be happy with what you have. Lucky you got to be there.
Amen, sorry I know it is CMV but I can not, I agree, 100%

Clearly you've never been on or heard of the Indian reservations. If those aren't third world living conditions then what is?
I came from a third world country to America. Here beggars on the road carry iPhone, in my country even the richest couldn’t afford one. The amount of wealth here is insane.
I have nothing really of note to add but I live in Minneapolis which is fine but I've also been to Afghanistan and Mississippi and while Afghanistan is true 3rd world, Mississippi was shockingly bad for many. You could call Mississippi nearly 3rd world, or as close as you'd think it could get in the richest nation in the history of the world.
When you're used to privilege, anything less feels like oppression (3rd world country in this case)
Think it's either a joke, being over the top, irony, sarcasm, or some mix of all of them - It's hard to tell with some Americans I've seen on this site in all honesty!I'd anyone actuary believes America is a third world country they're just wrong... I mean, it has some real big problems, but its still not third world by any means.
I was born in the Philippines where the very poor dumpster dive for food and recook it to sell to other poor folks! They particularly look for meat and bones like thrown garbage from McDonalds or Kentucky Fried Chicken. You are lucky to live in a country where the poor is considered rich by people in third world countries. Americans need to stop whining and be more grateful.
Yes they're ridiculous. Cannot stand these people tbh And btw they're free to move to a different state or different country. (And I say this sincerely. Not antagonistically). To the people complaining, literally consider these options.
Some parts are; look at homeless camps in parts of say Michigan, or people being turned away from some healthcare as they cannot afford the bill.The US is very unequal as a country - for some people some lifestyles are entirely "third world"
Just to be clear, the US does have a LOT of homeless people living in squalor, starving/sick, and dying on the streets. May not be as severe of a situation as Bolivia, I don’t know. But we definitely have an issue with poverty in this nation.

Everyone, OP is not saying that there isn’t inequality in the US. They’re just saying that the US is way more developed and have less problems than poor countries. And because of that the US’s problems aren’t as grave as other country’s.
When they say 3rd world, they are saying "US is no longer equivalent to a 1st world/developed nation". While the US is better than Colombia, it's generally worse than other developed countries. Do you have a name for not developed but not undeveloped? Semi developed?
I'll be honest, I didn't think Americans ever said the US was a third world country. In all my experiences, they've only ever stated it's the literal top country.
This is very evident when you cross the US/Canada border on Niagara falls. On one side you have a slum with collapsing buildings empty plazas and giant potholes all over road on the US side anr on the Canadian side you have a vibrant tourist city. I have lived in 3rd world latin American countries. They have well mantained areas as well as slums, much like the United States
high rates of poverty - Checklow level of overall education - Checkeconomic instability - Checkpolitical instability - Checkhigh mortality rates - Check

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