ag is a reactionary comic+invisible keyboard (standup @ holistic connection)

1 year ago

no keyboard, how observant
bing bing there's my invisible keyboard
don't wanna do the same thing over n over
this isn't fun for me
i'd rather be smokin weed at my house
i don't want anyone to burn in Hell
that was joey goodsong thanking me
there's always a you in the audience
no, narcissist it wasn't about you
studied mental illness to understand america
i don't play victim, take shit personally and make it all about me
men that pretend they're women get away with a lot kinda like women
oh shit, very true reaction there
i just said so much in just a few sentences
what is a punchline yawl
the world has always punched me so we're punching right back
you can quit smoking too...we did it
12 yrs without alcohol...good at quitting stuff that kills us
waking up in piss, that is what you are congratulating
drinkin a whole fifth in ten min is an accomplishment to some ie me
yours truly despises door dashers, the vitriol wasn't funny
the iphone is a cyborg membership card
imma be the only one left on this shit planet
me n siri are gonna be bffs
a bit of your life...yours truly gets comedy
i always blow kris's mind
i wish i was that kinda prostitute
too much self-awareness to enjoy sex
being an orphan really puts a damper on many different types of enjoyment
kris is aborting's about time, damnit
ag carried to full term
Christian comic, very weird to have someone say that about me
kris tries AI joke
true shit about how restaurant workers behave behind the scenes hahaha
kris sounds so fucked up, that's that govt weed for ya

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