CMV: Chiropractors are charlatans, often are harmful #chiropractic #chiropractor

1 year ago

CMV: Chiropractors are charlatans, often are harmful, and ultimately are not qualified to treat any medical condition
I think they key here is that a chiropractor can do many things that a physiotherapist can do, whether they realise or not.And physios definitely DO help with a lot of conditions.So I think a better argument is something like “things that a chiropractor does that a physiotherapist wouldn’t do” are useless.
I've never wanted them to treat anything. I want them to help pop my hip back into place so I can continue to stand / sit
This is not the post I needed to read while on the fence of seeing a chiropractor for my lower back pain.. Maybe I’ll just live with the pain..
My cousin went to the chiropractor for an adjustment. It killed her. They messed up near the neck and started a brain bleed. She was dead a few hours later.
I’m so so happy for this post!! I genuinely have held this belief for a long time and everyone looks at me like I’m an ass hat for suggesting that every old person I know that goes to a chiropractor has to go back repeatedly and to a worsening condition. Charlatans the lot!!!
How about sane chiropractors who treat people with none-aggressive massage/techniques, with help from placebo. Most people go to chiropractor for aches and pains, which placebo is really good at treating.
1) they dont all make these claims, far from it.2) you dont have the data to support your claim of "often harmful" - and i think youll find thats nonsense3) most dont make the claim they can do anything except relieve some aches, pains, and muscle tension - if you consider those medical conditions or not is up to you.

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