Bethenny Frankel | House Tour | Her New York Estates

4 years ago

Bethenny Frankel | House Tour | Her New York Estates
Host @ThatdudeMCFLY :

Bethenny Frankel who is known as an American reality television personality and entrepreneur and probably most famous for being a "Shark" investor on the ABC TV program "Shark Tank," which began airing in 2009 has snagged some pretty luxurious real estate throughout New York.
Bethenny recently sold a pair of homes in Lower Manhattan and East Hampton, the former for 3.65 million dollars, and a condo that featured nearly 2,400 square feet and boasted 2 bedrooms and 2.5 bathrooms. While the latter snatched up for 2.28 million dollars and featured over 4,200 hundred square feet and boasted 7 bedrooms and bathrooms.
Her condo in Lower Manhattan was originally picked up 5 years ago for 4.2 million dollars so she took nearly a million-dollar loss. Yikes! Within a matter of weeks, she was able to recoup some of the losses by coming out on top with 250 grand with her East Hampton sale. Beautiful home with a wide wraparound porch on the front and formerly a bed and breakfast knew as the Morning Glory House. Nice! Ladies and gentlemen this is a house tour you do not want to miss!

#BethennyFrankel #HouseTour #RealEstate #Manhattan #EastHamptons #NewYork #LuxuryRealEstate #LuxuryHomes #FamousEntertainment

Writer / Host: Kara

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