Ep 30 N8 22nd Mar 23 - Treason and Strife

1 year ago

Liz Lambert and the Number WUNZ has traveled light years through all the legislation around Convid 19. There has been a huge impact on the workers of New Zealand who have been sacked from their jobs, forced in to severe financial hardship, illegally discriminated against, verbally and psychologically abused and coerced into taking an experimental and unproven injection. The list doesn't end there.

Workers have always been completely innocent around the C19 Plandemic

Tonight Liz takes us through her new "Mind Map" of the legal and lawful discoveries and processes she and N8 members have journeyed through on this path to justice.
An incredible journey that is for sure!!!

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00:31 Liz: Introduction - Legal battlefield and mind map - English common law system is what's called adversarial - Employment law, Health and Safety at Work law, On the other side Public law
03:32 Liz: Revisiting the foundations of Section 83 Gateway to Number 8 Workers Union New Zealand N8WUNZ
04:10 Liz: Weapons for the battlefield - Section 83 Health and Safety Act letter - Withdraw your labour due to a hazard in the workplace - Vaccination was the hazard – Never a workplace disease - COVID-19 Public Health Response Act 2020 – Mediation w MBIE first as required - Hurdles
07:32 Liz: They may have control of the institutes, but we've got control of the law - The health and Safety Work Act does not allow them any scope or power over your body - Section 173 Health and Safety Work Act - From defence to offence
09:30 Liz: Chris Lind & his procedure regarding the Health & Safety incident report form template – Pfizer data Safety sheet - Stress and psychological harm
12:08 Liz: Did the data safety sheet go to Doctors? - Toxic
13:03 Liz: Worksafe as regulator for WHSA 2015 - § 172 Health and Safety at Work Act 2015, Power to take samples and other objects and things - Bosses could have shielded employees - § 34 COVID-19 Public Health Response Act 2020, Protection of persons acting under authority of this Act - § 129 of the Health Act 1956, Protection of persons acting under authority of Act
15:14 Liz: Whatever people did, they were protected, except if they were reckless or acted in bad faith – Letters from Lone Star and Steve Oliver’s Gym – Importance of picking the battlefield
18:36 Liz: Weapons under the Employment Relations Act 2000 to get into the employment institutions – Their slow down tactics against workers/contractors/businesses – Problem in the authorities awarding cost’s orders to the other side – Scare tactics – But now broken through to the other side!!!!
19:05 Liz: Employment Relations Act 2000, § 3(a) Object of this Act, §§ (ii) by acknowledging and addressing the inherent inequality of power in employment relationships - § 4(1) Good faith dealing
23:09 Liz: Section 83 Letter = WHSA 2015 §28, §29, §31, §47, §92
24:09 Liz: Pike River mine disaster and corruption - §28 New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 - Other rights and freedoms not affected
26:53 Liz: §168 (4) Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 - Powers of entry and inspection - So they were never allowed to ask you anything about your health status that they passed on to anybody else
28:27 Liz: The head of the snake - § 191 Health and Safety Work Act – Brings it over to the Public law side - Parliamentary Council office, the PCO
31:06 Liz: Public law = New Zealand Bill of Rights act 1990 §11, §15 - Bill of Rights Act is concerned with individual rights, not with group rights
32:56 Liz: 1080 - Taranaki council wins Supreme Court legal fight to put fluoride in water = wrongly decided case - Corruption clean up imminent
34:10 Liz: How the Bill of Rights can be applied in any situation - Importance of § 92 I (5) Health Act 1956, in no case was a person to be vaccinated without their informed consent, § 92 C, § 92 D – Should be called Public Health Act
36:54 Liz: Pfizer, they're called the sponsor and they got it in under § 23 of the Medicines Act 1981- Provisional - § 20( 3) , No consent given under this section shall be deemed to warrant the safety or efficacy of the medicine to which the consent relates - Except Pfizer had one as safe and effective?
38:33 Liz: § 30 Medicines Act 1981 - Exemption for clinical trial - Bivalent vaccines that they've got are what's called off label. They must come under section 30
39:37 Liz: Clause 44A Medicines Regulations 1984 - Administration of vaccines in approved immunisation programmes – Subclause (2) The Director-General or a Medical Officer of Health may authorise any person to administer… - Bloomfield never gazetted
40:49 Liz: § 16 COVID-19 public Health Response Act works to supposedly cover these people, which it's not going to do - The Commonwealth nations all have the banksters and same legal system – Liz Gunn update
45:44 Liz: We don't need a crown; we don't need an executive. We don't need political parties
46:55 Geoff: Open chat – Local currency preparation
50:32 Liz: Amanda Turner case - She will be vindicated - Breach of Right to Freedom of Expression under NZBORA – Terrorist designations, Tarrant, Proud boys…
55:11 Speaker 4: Esk Valley River had a secret dam not showing on Google? Benjamin Fulford
1:00:20 Speaker 2: Open chat – Media slant
1:02:19 Speaker 5 & Liz: Allodial – Rating Powers Act 1988, Rack rent – Interpretation of owner – Hereditaments - Council rates - They lost the hereditaments – English land law

Content links:

§ 83 Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 - Right of worker to cease or refuse to carry out unsafe work

COVID-19 Public Health Response Act 2020

Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)

Employment Relations Act 2000


§ 172 Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 - Power to take samples and other objects and things

New Zealand: Chris Lind – Follow Up to Health and Safety Act Video That Went Viral

§ 34 COVID-19 Public Health Response Act 2020 - Protection of persons acting under authority of this Act

§ 129 of the Health Act 1956 - Protection of persons acting under authority of Act

Employment Relations Act 2000, § 3 Object of this Act, §§ (ii) by acknowledging and addressing the inherent inequality of power in employment relationships;

Employment Relations Act 2000,§ 4 Parties to employment relationship to deal with each other in good faith (1)

§ 28 Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 - No contracting out

§ 29 Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 - Insurance against fines unlawful

§ 31 Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 - Duties not transferable

§ 47 Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 - Offence of reckless conduct in respect of duty

§ 92 Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 - Prohibition on coercion or inducement

§ 28 New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 - Other rights and freedoms not affected

§ 168 (4) Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 - Powers of entry and inspection
(4) Despite subsection (1)(e), if all or any part of the information relates to a person’s health status and identifies the person, an inspector must not, without that person’s consent,—
(a) require the production of information; or
(b) examine the information; or
(c) make a copy of, or take an extract from, the information.

§ 191 Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 - Designated agencies

§ 11 New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 - Right to refuse to undergo medical treatment

§ 15 New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 - Manifestation of religion and belief

Taranaki council wins Supreme Court legal fight to put fluoride in water

§ 92 I (5) Health Act 1956 - Medical officer of health may give directions to individual posing public health risk
(5) In no case may a direction require an individual to submit to compulsory treatment.

§ 23 Medicines Act 1981 - Minister may give provisional consent
§ 20 (3) Medicines Act 1981 - Restrictions on sale or supply of new medicines
(3) No consent given under this section shall be deemed to warrant the safety or efficacy of the medicine to which the consent relates.

§ 30 Medicines Act 1981 - Exemption for clinical trial

Clause 44A (2) Medicines Regulations 1984 - Administration of vaccines in approved immunisation programmes

§ 16 COVID-19 public Health Response Act - COVID-19 order revoked if not approved by House of Representatives

Amanda Turner case - Breach of Right to Freedom of Expression under NZBORA

Esk Valley hidden dam info?
See link on below Freedom Lovers Hawkes Bay NZ Facebook page -Jill Norman 17 March at 05:52 · Not confirmed but it explains a lot about the Esk Valley being so hard hit -UPDATE ON CYCLONE GABRIELLE:


Ben Fulford re Esk Valley Dam – listen from 21:46

Rating Powers Act 1988 – See Owner under Interpretations

Council failed to meet obligations under Rating Powers Act 1988


English land law

From the chat:

Liz Lambert On The Union For All New Zealand Workers | FreeNZ - Reclaiming Workers Rights in the Post-Jab World


Counterspin link re: Liz Gunn

The Story of Banks and the Global Banking Scam - with Scott Cundill & Michael Tellinger

23/03/2023 New Zealand Outdoors & Freedom Party was live. Liz Gunn
Trying to educate MSM outside Manukau court thank you Liz Gunn Jonathan, Rob, Tania Counterspin Media and everyone who came to support

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