Egypt: Rhind Papyrus

1 year ago

The Rhind Papyrus is a very important document for the history of ancient mathematics. Discovered in 1858 by the Scottish Egyptologist Alexander Rhind, this papyrus contains mathematical problems solved by the ancient Egyptians. These problems include calculations of areas, volumes, fractions, multiplication and division, as well as methods for calculating square and cubic roots. Through the Rhind Papyrus, we can understand how the ancient Egyptians used mathematics in their daily activities, such as the construction of pyramids and temples, land measurements, and division of products. The Egyptians had very advanced knowledge in mathematics, which was considered a sacred discipline, and their knowledge was mainly used in the construction of monuments and temples, as well as in time measurements based on the position of stars and determining the seasons of the year. Challenge: try to solve problem 24 of the Rhind Papyrus One. A piece of cloth costs 100 deu, and a buyer wants to buy 5 baskets of a piece. How much will he pay?

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