Monica Crowley: America's Enemies Are Aligning

1 year ago

Monica Crowley discusses the intended consequences of the weakness of the Biden Administration on the world stage with Steve Bannon on War Room.

Monica Crowley: But, look it's an iron law of international relations that weaker powers will always flock to the stronger power for protection and for, you know, political protection of economic trade, you name it. And so what we're seeing now, because the US is weak both in real terms, and getting weaker, and perceived as weak. You've got all of these other countries now flocking to what looks like the stronger guy on the block and that's China. Remember that China's goal is global domination, of course. What does that mean? That means a unipolar world. During the Cold War we had a bipolar world, right. And then after the collapse of the Soviet Union we went to a unipolar world with the United States as the tent pole power. Now we have sort of slipped back into a bipolar world with the United States and China, but China's goal is to get rid of the United States as one of the tent pole powers and make itself as a unipolar power. And so, of course, all of these other lesser powers are dying to be junior members of this new global . . . emerging with China at the top. And you know while all this is happening, while Rome is burning, we've got our own President whistling past the graveyard hosting sitcom stars.

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