According2Sam #156 'W.M.D'

1 year ago

It's been 20 years since the Bush administration needlessly took our nation to war in Iraq based on a pack of lies. It is important that we take the time to reflect on just how we were lied into that war, so that nothing like that ever happens again. Today as we reflect on the lies that got us into that war 20 years ago we find ourselves on the verge of an even greater war, again based on lies, proving that if we don't learn from our past we are doomed to fall for the same deceptions over and over again. The lies that the Bush administration told us about Iraq were many. They told use Iraq had chemical and biological weapons. They did not! They told us they had a nuclear program and that they were buying yellowcake uranium from Africa. They did not, and were not. They told us that Iraq had an alliance with Al-Qaeda. They did not. They led us to believe that Iraq was involved in the 9/11 attacks, and said if we didn't invade there could be a 'mushroom cloud' in the United States. None of it was true. How did the Bush administration lay out their case of lies against Iraq, and why did it fail to sway the United Nations Security Council? Join the conversation and get answers to these questions and more on According2Sam episode #156.

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