Ch 18 Nerve Pain Relief Peripheral Neuropathy The Ultimate Guide to Stem Cell Therapy 001

1 year ago
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Hello! I'm Josh with Dream Body Clinic, and in this video, I'm going to talk to you about nerve pain relief. This is part of our Ultimate Guide to Stem Cell Therapy and Nerve Pain series. Nerve pain can be a terrible thing to deal with and it's also known as peripheral neuropathy, depending on the issue and where it occurs.

Before I got involved in this field, I never heard of the term peripheral neuropathy, but everyone can understand nerve pain. Personally, I had sciatica a few years ago due to a compressed disc in my lower back, which caused excruciating nerve pain. But, thanks to stem cell therapy, we injected stem cells into my back and did an IV, and the neuropathy was gone within two weeks. This personal experience makes me a firsthand account of how well this therapy can work.

Let me give you an even better story about one of our patients named Jack, who came to us from Southern California. Jack drank a whole glass of hydrogen peroxide, thinking it was a homeopathic remedy. Unfortunately, he drank the wrong glass, and it fried his central nervous system. He had nerve pain head to toe, and it was falling apart.

We started Jack's treatment with our IV treatment because we weren't sure what to do at the time since we had never seen a case like this before. Fortunately, we were able to fix about 95% of his nerve pain with the IV because it targeted the whole body and got to the central nervous system. Then, six months later, we had to do some direct shots to his feet to finish it off.

We've seen just about everything you can think of nerve pain-wise and have done nothing but expand on that to make our treatments more effective. For peripheral neuropathy, we offer customized packages on our site to give you the best protocol that we assume you might be dealing with.

Our protocol includes an IV of 200 million, which targets the whole body, and we include 50 million intrathecally, which goes into the spinal fluid to fix any nerve issues in the upper back or sciatica. We also give two shots of 25 million to the affected area, such as the feet or the hands.

We try to keep our prices as low as possible to help as many people as possible. Nerve pain heals the fastest among all our treatments. While most of them take three to six months to see relief, nerve pain can heal as quickly as a few days or weeks. This therapy sends out trophic factors that guide the neurons to regenerate and repair other neurons, making sure that nerve pain is healed fast.

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