DEA to Impose Restrictions on Testosterone | URGENT MESSAGE by Chris Bell

1 year ago

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Fellow warriors of wellbeing, the DEA is attempting to impose restrictions on our access to testosterone and other anabolics through telemedicine, forcing us to visit doctors every 30 days for refills. It will now be easier for those struggling with addiction to access Suboxone which is actually great news, but Testosterone is made in our body and this classification as being dangerous has no medical merit.

Big Pharma's influence on the government cannot be ignored, and we must stand against it now! It's time to act responsibly and make our voices heard loud and clear. Worldwide testosterone levels have plummeted 50% in the past 50 years, more couples struggle with fertility than ever, and our taints are shrinking! Testosterone is not a shortcut to success, but the only way forward for a species that has dug itself a hole with plastics, estrogens, and a sedentary lifestyle.

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