Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 3-24-23: Judgment & Fire Are Coming

1 year ago

Judgment is coming. If you miss this fact, then you need to read more deeply in the Word of God. It seems, in many instances, that commentators in the secular world see the coming times of trouble more clearly than those in the church. They realize that the financial system is massively broken with debt careening out of control, inflation is soaring and likely to ascend to greater heights, and recession is on the horizon just a wrong move away by a nation or federal bank. The Butterfly Effect is real when it comes to the world economy poised to crash and burn at any time. The recent Silicon Valley Bank failure is just one harbinger of many to this effect.
There is no man-made climate change, i.e. our ecological system isn’t subject to normal industrial pollution, cow flatulence, the warming rays of the sun being our enemy, or the God-ordained method of how mankind exhales carbon dioxide. No, there’s none of that. What is happening is that artificially engineered climate warfare is occurring by evil, satanically possessed people, who wish to follow the lies of their father the devil and destroy humanity because we are created in God’s image.
War is also coming soon. Again, many who don’t know the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior often have a better grasp of this than the church. It seems that people gather to sing, fellowship, and hear an encouraging word for their lives, but perish the thought that the pastors should raise the specter of tribulation to come. That might hurt someone’s feelings or make them feel uncomfortable. It is all about how we feel these days, you know.

Then, there’s the inconvenient fact that the killing of babies in the womb has been a worldwide phenomenon for decades, while before that many children unfortunate enough to be born in pagan cultures were sacrificed to the gods of the land whom their people worshiped. All in the hope of winning the favor of whatever god they follow and having a better life. The blood spilled in the earth cries out for justice.

After my having just briefly mentioned these issues that impact the heavens, the lands, the seas, and all of mankind – if you have any kind of knowledge of your Old Testament – can you really say that God will just ignore these things and allow the world to continue for generations to come? Do you not see that the time of judgment is at hand because it must be? Don’t you understand that God’s longsuffering patience does have a red line; that once it’s crossed, it’s curtains for those under judgment?


Dane Wigginton’s recent alert: “The Bad News Broadcast”

The Dimming:

Gary Ritter website: books & blog

Please note that the transcript is available on my website blog under the post with the same title.

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