20 Foods That Have Almost 0 Calories

1 year ago

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Trying to burn fat from stubborn areas such as the belly, love handles, and hips can be a difficult task when cutting calories often leaves you feeling deprived, hungry, and miserable. However, some foods can help fill you up with almost no calories and still taste great. This article will discuss 20 of the best foods in this category, starting with Shirataki noodles, also known as konjac noodles or miracle noodles. These noodles are unique because they are filling yet very low in calories, with only about 20 calories per eight-ounce serving, compared to 300 calories for the same amount of regular pasta. The calories in Shirataki noodles come in the form of insoluble fiber, which means that you absorb fewer calories in the form of carbs compared to other forms of carbohydrates such as soluble fiber and starches. Slim rice is a similar alternative to Shirataki noodles, with only 7 to 9 calories per 100-gram serving. Cucumbers, which are 97% water and contain only 15 calories per 100-gram serving, can help reduce and control blood sugar levels and hunger cravings. Sugar-free jello, with only 5 to 10 calories, is another low-calorie snack that can satisfy your sweet tooth without increasing your caloric intake. Finally, zucchini, which contains only 17 calories per 100 grams, can replace high-calorie carbs like pasta and be used in delicious low-calorie meals.

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