How to never take anything personal again.

1 year ago

Never take anything personal again!!

Someone's behavior is NEVER a reflection of your worth and value. It's always a reflection of how they think and feel about themselves, that's psychological projection.

The more we judge others, the less self aware we are.

3 reasons why we judge others:
1) see something in them we use to do and can no longer stand
2)see something in them that we envy and don't believe is possible for ourselves
3)see something in them we currently do and don't like about ourselves

Ego sees duality, consciousness sees unity.

Other people are a mirror reflecting back at you other parts of you either like or dislike.

When we remove judgment, we develop compassion.

We see the world as we are, what kind of world are you seeing?

#reflection #personal #feelings #love #value #worth #confidence #arrogance #behavior #psychological #reflections #lovable #relationships

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