How to Help Flat-Earthers...with Spiritual Bagua!

4 years ago

IF you understand my theory of Bagua this video illustrates why flatearthers are spiritually not insane - even as their arguments as to the mechanics of the solar system are completely ridonculous.

If you don't understand what's being talked about in this video you'll just have to watch the first few videos in this series to get the hang of trigram theory. It's NOT terribly complex, it IS a whole new way of thinking...

The following link is the first video in the series covering all the basics - and illustrated with animation (apologies for the fake narration voice - I hope to fix that someday)

If you enjoy this video you may also enjoy my podcast The Assembly of Silence Radio Hour:

Questions? Submit via comment on this video or drop me an email. taijireality at p-r—o-t—o-n—m-a—i-l dotcom

If you wish to support these efforts:
Paypal: taijireality atsign googlemailservice dot com
If you want to unload some crypto - can do!

Philosophical writings:

Thanks for watching, listening, contemplating, practicing...and in particular thank you for any and all feedback, comments, criticisms and support!

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