chili oil? use chilli oil

1 year ago

1️⃣Chop 200g of chadolbagi and stir-fry over high heat until oil comes out.
2️⃣Put 3T soy sauce at the edge and make a fire
3️⃣Add 3T minced garlic, 1.5T ginger juice, and 50ml red pepper oil and mix.
4️⃣Turn off the heat and mix with 2T of salt, black pepper, 1 cup of fine red pepper powder, and 1T of sesame oil.
5️⃣After cooling down, put it in a zipper bag and divide it into equal parts. I keep it in the freezer.

▶️#Soft tofu stew
1️⃣1 bag of soft tofu, boil 100~150ml of anchovy broth
2️⃣Add seafood and vegetables and 1-2 tablespoons of stew
3️⃣If it's bland, season with salt or salted shrimp

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