Mister Metokur - When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong Full Version w Chat and Timestamps [ 2019-04-14 ]

1 year ago

#Mistermetokur #ArchivingChudbuds #Metokur
Notes: Timestamps are included, Enjoy! I got more videos coming up this week so be on the lookout.
I'm trying to build an Archive with all of Jim's Videos and Streams. Allso the streams where Jim was a guest on.
By: Mister Metokur
From: 2019-04-14
I Really hope you recover and get better Jim
Thank You for Watching! âš¡âš¡
This Video is for educational and scientific purposes.
My Odysee chan: odysee.com/@Crt:4
Jim's Odysee account: odysee.com/@morningswithmetokur
My Bitchute chan: bitchute.com/channel/ArchivingChudbuds/
My Poast account: poa.st/@Crt
My Twitter: witter.com/chris778778
My Poast account: poa.st/@Crt
My Chudbuds account: chudbuds.lol/@Crt778

https://youtu.be/CoJpI1qUYm4 - Source! Thanks you for sending me your full copy SIR!
(I edited out the Song and here u Go CHAT)

https://youtu.be/UXWFqxKU2qA - Intro Song

00:00:00 - AndyWarski

00:04:40 - VIDEO The Beginning of The Confrontation

00:09:40 - Tazer Tazer Tazer (Alex lol)

00:12:40 - Sign Language Failure

00:16:15 - SoundBites will last 25 To Life

00:22:20 - EPIC Ending (Alex is 4 Feet Tall LOL)

00:23:45 - Going Thru the THIRD (LAST) Confrontation

00:25:45 - "Initiating" self Defense (Alex Pulls out Gun)

00:29:45 - Panic Ensues (Andy is Playing Wounded Animal Sounds)

00:32:30 - "Follow Them" Andywarski 2019

00:35:30 - VIDEO It's coming right for us

00:38:10 - The Security Guard stops Them

00:43:20 - COPS Arrive (Andy Muted the Stream)

00:50:30 - COP Gives no SH1T (Called them Puss13s)

00:52:45 - Jim Gives IRL Streaming ADVICE (Truth Will set you Free)

00:57:05 - TTS Is not OFF! (Baked Song Playing - Top Kek)

00:59:15 - Alex Mugshot PICTURE

01:01:15 - 3x Aggravated Assault + Simple Assault (Charges against Alex)

01:08:50 - Andy Looks Devastated/Confrontation Replayed

01:17:30 - FL0R1DA MAN on the Loose

01:18:30 - SuperBerries

01:37:50 - Jim is Finishing his video, also PRESS P To pray for Alex

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