1 year ago

She came and told cops she will have her boys take care of me if the cops didn't do something About me...
For what is on film?
I had no intention of reporting you until you threaten my lively hood. Which effect my wife and son... Aren't there enough fatherless houses why make more? and why shark me and act like you had ill intent? You circled back 3 times, not me... In NY, PA, and NJ shit like that means shit gonna go sour.
And you try to racially identify me and stereotype me wrong. IM mixed race my wife is and my son is Heinze 57 because of it lol.
I walked with my son many times past the church. And many times doing laundry and shopping since I can't drive. And now you act like t that after 4 months... And I never posted you until now. You live with seizures and be labeled and racially profiled. wish I had a house car and a job that would keep me without treating me like a liability. Wish I had those same things you have. You seem like the person that has more rights and things than me. I have been on disability since 18 which means my son gets no check. All I do is try to do side jobs and provide for my family while trying to protect others from poor practices hazards on road Like wrecks and debri and dumps and fires, spills and voiltions that could harm more.

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