"Doctor" Greta Thunberg Receiving Honorary Doctorate From University of Helsinki Later This Year!

1 year ago

Never before has someone gotten so famous, accomplished so little, and praised as heavily as Greta Thunberg. She will be given an honorary doctorate from the University of Helsinki in Finland in May because of... REASONS!!!

It's not unprecedented, many institutions devalue their worth by giving celebrities pieces of paper that idiots pay hundreds of thousands to obtain. Just normally those people have accomplished something in other vocations...

But we can agree Finland is in the midst of a seismic shift. Sanna Marin, the Party Prime Minister, is on the verge of being voted out of power! There is an election on April 2 and her party has fallen out of favor. Guess they didn't get the invite to the latest rager...

Fox News: https://www.foxnews.com/world/greta-thunberg-receive-honorary-doctorate-finnish-university
People: https://people.com/celebrity/celebrities-with-honorary-doctorate-degrees/
US News: https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2023-03-21/finlands-right-wing-opposition-leads-in-poll-ahead-of-april-2-election

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