A MESSAGE WE ALL NEED TO HEAR!!! | Share this everywhere.

1 year ago

We are living in times where unity is no longer just an option, but an absolute OBLIGATION. We cannot afford to create division within the very community of individuals who are trying to make this world a better place by uniting as one. Unity does not mean we all agree with one another or even like one another. Unity simply means we respect each others differences, even if we don't like them. There is no need to bash on others, especially others who are bringing even an ounce of goodness to the world. If someone is a fake or a fraud, in due time they will naturally be exposed without any of us having to lift a finger. Trust the process, focus on the good, and let's unite to succeed in our ultimate mission of making this world a place filled with LIGHT, PEACE, and LOVE!!!

With Infinite Love,
Jason Shurka :)

#jasonshurka #UNITY #respect #unifyd

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