United States Hegemony and its Perils! | PART II | Thinking Out Loud

1 year ago

In this episode of his "Thinking Out Loud" series, Double D uses the recently release memorandum from the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs (CMFA to outline arguments against United States military and economic hegemony, hedging the discussion with additional source material.

Double D opens the video by recapping some of the points made in Part I of the United States Hegemony series, before diving in to quotations from the CMFA memorandum outlining military hegemony. He outline the long history of American conquest, noting that the United States was founded entirely on westward and colonial expansion in conjunction with slavery and genocide. He suggests that this policy, become now a cultural fixation, has persisted into the modern era; resulting in hundreds of wars, coups, military interventions, and economic warfare.

Double D uses a map and series of graphics from the "Ubique American Geographic Society" to visualize the American Empire, highlighting 800+ military bases, with nearly 200,000 U.S. soldiers occupying countries from Europe, to Africa, to the Far East. He highlights the concentration of troops in the areas dividing Western to Eastern Europe, West Asia, and in and around China and South East Asia. He insists that this is a policy of Imperial encirclement, meant to curtail the spheres of influence of potential rival powers such as Russia or China. He draws attention to the issues surrounding these U.S. military bases, insisting that they act as an occupying force that helps to coerce foreign governments, nominally called "allies", into marching lock step with American Imperial designs. He also highlights abuses and exploitation surrounding American military bases, including instances of sexual assault, violence on native peoples, severe environmental damage, accidental deaths caused by military hardware, and even cases of murder. He insists that a large portion of the population in these occupied countries, i.e., Okinawa, the Philippines, Pacific Islands, and South Korea; have called for the immediate dismantling of these military bases.

Moving on, Double D ruminates on the nature of the American Empire and its crimes against humanity. He notes that the Third Reich was greatly inspired by the American Project of colonialism; and uses this to explore how fascism amounts to the process of colonialism turned inward. He asks, what is colonialism, if not the genocide, apartheid, and political and economic subjugation used in perpetuity on the colonies, turned inward to populations living within the imperial core of the U.S. and Western Europe. He ruminates on the sheer scale and volume of violence employed by the empire in its wars in East Asia and West Asia, citing statistics that suggest millions were killed and that tens of millions were displaced.

Stepping away from statistics, Double D opts to show and discuss some graphic imagery depicting the horrors of American Empire. First, showing paintings from a Korean artist depicting American G.I.'s executing families and raping women. He also shows a painting from Pablo Picasso, titled "The Massacre in Korea" which shows U.S. soldiers executing pregnant women and children. Moving on to America's Wars in the "Middle East" he shows leaked photographs from the infamous Abu Ghraib black site prison; which depicts unimaginable scenes of torture and humiliation inflicted on Iraqis by U.S. military personnel. He then shows photographs from the American War in Vietnam, highlighting the immolation of women and children with napalm; and the use of the notorious defoliant Agent Orange, which left huge swathes of Vietnams robust agricultural regions inarable, and the past use of which is still resulting in children being born with mutations, including their being born without the higher functions of their brain.

Rounding off the video, Double D examines U.S. economic hegemony, showing how the United States has weaponized the supremacy of the U.S. dollar, the IMF-World Bank Debt Trap, and a brutal sanctions regime, to force countries in the global south into a state of neo-colonialism, from which there is no escape. He also highlights that this economic warfare is used on America's supposed "allies", noting briefly the Plaza Accords used to suppress rising Japanese high tech competition. He ends the video with brief analysis, paving the way for Part III of the United States Hegemony series, which will focus on Technological & Cultural hegemony.

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