Does The Right Support Religious Grooming? A Response to Leftists.

1 year ago

The word "grooming" is a popular term on the political right to describe events like Drag Queen Story Hour or the paradoxical nature of drag shows for children. Indeed, the word has been quite popular ever since Governor Ron Desantis passed the Parental Rights in Education Act (erroneously called the Don't Say Gay bill) which established limits on certain concepts being teachable in public schools. A common leftist critique is that the political right turns a blind eye to grooming done by religious leaders. In thsi video, Mr. Watson examines that concept and explains the difference between religious education and gender ideology grooming. He also defines the word grooming and sets clear parameters on it's use. Watch for more!

#grooming #politics #transgenderism #trans #groomer #desantis #conservatism #religion

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