Hebrews 6:1-15; Mar 12, 2023; Let Us Go on to Perfection

1 year ago

Today’s message covers one of the most often-misunderstood passages in the Bible, verses 1 through 15 of Hebrews Chapter 6. Pastor Kevin explains how important it is to understand the original audience of this epistle and its historical context in order to properly interpret this passage. The audience comprised Jews who had professed belief in Jesus but still clung to the religious traditions of Old Testament Judaism, including temple sacrifices. Pastor Kevin likens them to people today who have learned about God’s way of salvation through faith in Jesus and have professed belief but are unwilling to completely surrender to Jesus and acknowledge Him as the only way of salvation. Today, many refuse the narrow gate (Matthew 7:13), seeking instead the wide gate of compromise for the sake of a false unity. Pastor Kevin exhorts believers to diligently persevere in allegiance to His Name, Yeshua (God’s Salvation) and pleads with those who still have not trusted in Jesus to do so while there is still time. Difficult days may well lie ahead for believers until Jesus takes us home, but by enduring, we will obtain the promise, even as did Abraham.

Associated notes and links are at calvarypo.org under Sermon Archives, Hebrews, https://calvarypo.org/sermons/let-us-go-on-to-perfection-hebrews-61-15/


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