oOMCMOo - Sonic Geometry (432hz) on Pure Coke Instrumental @PlanetAsiaOfficial #hiphop #rap #secret

1 year ago

oOMCMOo - Sonic Geometry (432hz)
Sonic geometry is the language of the Universe that is connecting you to a universal conciousness. Quantum creation, magnetic power of believes, Symbiotic midi-chlorians, explanation and technique to harmonize the heart and brain, meditation technique. If you understand this, everything will make sense, now we have the evidence, the implications are staggering. There are no more any limits, the secret has been discovered, science of the prayer, it is scientifically approved. If we embrace this, everything will change . Nicola Tesla was doing it before sleep. The heart's intuitive intelligence, a path to personal, social and global coherence. ‌How to awaken hidden potentials within our lives, the biggest question of humanity. Law of attraction, masterclass. The seven essene mirrors of relationship, high performance lessons from the billionaire mindset. The secret to success and freedom, guided meditation, awakening the mind, 10 top skills of negociation. This will revolutionise our future. People activate it, everything is connected. How to stop negative thoughts and feelings, learn how to control your mind, brainwash yourself from criminal history. Hidden teachings from the bible, that explain manifestation, conciousness and oneness. DMT, Pineal Gland and the piezoeffect effect. The ancient algorithm, the possibilities are endless. The top scientists admit that they already know the secret. Unknown teachings of Yeshua, the lost gospel of thomas, quantum jumping, how to jump into an alternative reality. deepest truth of the human egsistence, i revolutionise, elevate and raise above it. Modern science is now beginning to understand this. Kundalini Yoga, as envisioned by the ancients. Theta waves, top secret documents by Apax, eӡnter the new reality, thee 5th dimension."

written by Piotr Malinowski aka oOMCMOo

Piotr Malinowski aka oOMCMOo
contact: oomcmoo@gmail.com & oomcmoo@protonmail.com
merchandise: oomcmoo.bigcartel.com

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Thanks a million for all the likes and comments!
Whatsapp: +48515426172

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