Prof. Philippe Rushton: Race Differences In Brain Size "Latest Research on Race" - Excerpt

1 year ago

RACE DIFFERENCES IN INTELLIGENCE. Even if different races have different IQs why talk about it. The truth is whites have to talk about it if only in self defense. In America and every other majority white country if non-whites especially blacks do not perform at the same level as whites the inevitable explanation is white racism. But what if on average people of different races don’t have the same IQ. Differences in intelligence are a big part why some people do in life better than others.
Prof. Philippe Rushton - "Latest Research on Race"
Ranging from original IQ testing in the classrooms of South African universities to the study of anatomy, Rushton once more details racial differences and explains why they are important. His latest research supports the findings that the average African IQ is 70. (American Renaissance Conference, 2000)
I have saved the video in its entirety.

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