AstroLee: Happy New Astrological Year! Transformative new ways of thinking. #astrology

1 year ago

#astrologicalreadings #astrology2023 #astrology #PlutoAquarius #ariesnewmoon #march2023

Mercury in Aries until 3 April: words could be sharp, direct communication.

Tuesday 21 March.
Equinox and New Moon 0 Aries (conjunct Mercury, square Mars, sextile Pluto, opposite Ceres): setting bold new intentions, mental and communicative efforts indicated, which are transformative and involve research; try to rise above provocations. Perfect for rituals. (0:11).

Thursday 23 March.
Ceres retrogrades into Virgo until 21/6/23 (Ceres was in Virgo from 29/9/22 to 18/12/22): reviewing how we nurture ourselves through routine, bodily purification methods, and mentally (e.g. journalling). (9:05).
Pluto (29 Capricorn) trine Ceres (29 Virgo): transforming of our physical environment through altering how we nurture ourselves physically and mentally. (10:47).
Mars (29 Gemini) square Ceres (29 Virgo): try not to be overly critical or overly protective of loved ones from criticism. (12:00).
Pluto into Aquarius until 11/6/22: a brief reconnaitrance into how we will be transfroming our lives in the areas of our future, intellectual efforts, technology and communities. Revolution is in the air. (See 1778-1798, for the last time Pluto was in Aquarius). (13:45).

Saturday 25 March.
Mars (finally) enters Cancer until 20 May: home redevelopment, checking our boundaries, guardian energies, home DIY/gym/exercise, emotions and feelings directly consciously to create our realities. Could be an emotional rollercoaster, processing emotions and changeable every 2-3 days the moon (ruling Cancer) changes sign. Family debates could be fiery. (22:48).
Uranus (16 Taurus) sextile Pallas Athena (16 Cancer): new insight help in breaking old patterns to harmonise familial and/or tribal connections. (25:46).

Sunday 26 March.
Mercury conjunct Chiron (15 Aries): initiating healing conversations and reconciliations. Jupiter nearby softens sharp words. Processing and relasing mental and communicative blocks to be more authentically ourselves. (27:00).



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