Clandestine Agents

1 year ago

"I'd encourage a lot of people to look at high school photos of these people because like Joe Biden, and John Kerry and Schiff,, you'll see that they all crossed paths either in college or high school, that they ran in the same circles and that they're like posing and pictures together. And that's because they're targeted from a young age. So when the US government wants to hire someone as a clandestine asset, I mean, I know a lot of people apply and they're like, oh, when I grew up, I'm gonna be a spy or whatnot, they actually come for you. They know exactly who they need. They need someone who has shown adaptability, someone that has a pretty good IQ, someone that has the ability to articulate things. And sometimes it has to do with your bloodline, who you're related to who you work with what school you go to, who vouches for you, but the majority of the time, the CIA actually reaches out to find people. The same thing goes for the NRO. It's not like you can apply for the NRO, you’re a contractor. So they put jobs out and you don't know who's really hiring. And maybe you could do a project. But most of the time, the contractors that are permanently on retainer with the NRO are people that they sourced out and hired people that they've followed throughout the plan. And now, the last thing I want to say before we break for this weekend, and I want you guys to sit with this is that, you know, when you cross an agency like the CIA, okay, because this has happened before. And we'll bring up those examples, because there are a few examples in the past where we've seen it showcased. And we're like, Well, why did that happen? How did that happen? They ensure to have insurance policies planted to taint you. Also, if you're working for another agency, and they get with that you're investigating them. The same thing goes for that. So what I'm trying to say is, is that the fourth branch of the unelected government is literally headquartered within the CIA. They, unfortunately, are not the good guys. I mean, for show you have a couple of people, you know, kind of like a company, that's a shell company, it'll have like a juice bar in it and a couple people in cubicles, but the people that actually run the show, you don't see. Right. The real agents, I mean, yeah, I guess maybe some of them, the paper pushers, the admin people might see them, but you don't really see them because you're not supposed to. That's that's the whole idea. Kind of how Peter Strzok. His dad was CIA. He was the one that overthrew the government that was in Iran and placed the regime that's in there and followed it through. He did it! His son, suddenly out of nowhere, goes to high school, whatever, and he’s CIA, and then he ends up in the FBI, counterintelligence, so sneaky, so disgusting, that you could see just how perverted and aggressive and how cocky he was when he was being questioned. Right? You saw that. So this guy worked as counter intelligence for the FBI. When all along he was always CIA. Same thing with Comey. You don't go from zero to being a US attorney at the Southern District of New York, which by the way, his daughter's there now. Okay. And you work as a US Attorney for the Southern District of New York for like 22 months, and suddenly become acting Attorney General of the United States. That does not happen. And that was an argument that the democrats made about Whitaker that he didn't have experience to be acting attorney general, when collectively he had way more years, and much more experience than Comey ever did. But no one complained then, because it was planned. So what we need to understand is, if they have a plan, we have a plan. And this is why the President can talk about things seven months ago. This is why my crystal ball is so accurate, because plans are very easy to see. Once you stand on the moon and look down. Right?"

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