1 year ago

The age of exploration is more important now than at any time in Human history…

Andy McGrath - England’s highly experienced unidentified animal researcher, podcaster and author of the: Beasts Of… book series along with Monster Quest Creator and Producer - Doug Hajicek have created a traveling Monster Show unlike any other, which seeks to investigate the histories, evidence, and common theories surrounding the numerous cryptid creatures that have been reported around the globe.

This series summons the spirit of exploration, mixed with modern scientific methods and techniques; blended with historical folklore and Olde World storytelling, to introduce a weary audience to fresh new mystery monsters in diverse and rarely traversed beastly hotspots.

In conservationist circles there is talk of the race to discover new species before the disappearance of the habitat that surrounds them, as biologists intensify their fieldwork to find undiscovered animals before they join the long list of now-extinct species!

Beastly Theories, meets with biologists and local conservation groups to evaluate environmental decline and fight for recognition of their habitat!

The search is on in faraway places that only imagination can conjure, beneath the jungle canopy, atop the mountain plateau, in the lonely wastelands and beneath the depths of the waters that lie beyond the borders of our human imagination.

Finally, the technology exists to be able to peer into other dimensions on planet earth utilising the latest tracking methods, never tried trail cams, lidar, drones, track traps, night vision and thermal imaging, eDNA analysis, lie detectors, psychologists, animal behavioural experts, film analysts, audio experts, tiny cameras and underwater systems not previously available!

Encounter the world’s foremost specialists and researchers and the beasts they seek… and learn about a dizzying array of amazing animals such as: the Nimbinjee – a diminutive Australian primate, or the Barmanu –a possible extant Neanderthal, that inhabits the borders of Pakistan - Set sail with me as we go in search of Sea Serpents, Mega-turtles and Giant Octopus; or watch me dive to the depths of the ocean in search of extinct Super Sharks and the Colossal Kraken… navigate the dense swamps of the Congo in search of Living Dinosaurs and Giant Spiders. Ascend to the heights of the Wa’alaga region to discover the truth behind the legends of the Ethiopian Death Bird, and traverse the wastes of the Kamchatka Peninsula in search of a Monstrous Bear, known as the Irkuiem!

My skepticism brings on a wrath of science, and forensic investigative techniques that are beyond clever, as I seeks answers nobody before me has…

Join me, in my quest to discover the world’s most mysterious - Beastly Theories!

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