Jazz 268 by Tom Main

1 year ago

"Jazz 268". I felt like a little brass for this one and the Xtreme delivers brass so very well. Amazing that the Xtreme still shines after 19 years. It is a perfect companion to the Kronos and the Hammond XK5 which are the other boards which make up my base-rig. It excels particularly well in Brass and Strings/Orchestral patches. She may be an "oldie" but she's a good'un. I am using the drawbars on the Hammond to shape the sound and the volumes. I tend to use the expression pedal when the drawbars are static. I sometimes like an evolving sound on the Hammond - shaping sound on-the-fly. I feel this gives the Hammond increased expression. I also control the Leslie by foot controller, allowing my hands the freedom to manipulate the drawbars and play the keyboard. I hope you find this of interest and enjoy the music. Love, Tom 🙂

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