Fox News Geraldo Rivera Sparks Outrage #politics #conservative #foxnews #cnn #msnbc #politicalnews

1 year ago

In a recent segment on Fox News, Geraldo Rivera made a controversial claim that George Floyd's death was the "most important failure" of the Democratic Party. This statement has ignited a firestorm of backlash, with many criticizing Rivera for politicizing Floyd's tragic death and deflecting blame from the actual perpetrators.

In this video, we delve deeper into Rivera's comments and explore the reasons behind the widespread condemnation. We examine how this incident fits into the broader political landscape, and we hear from prominent figures in the Black Lives Matter movement and the Democratic Party to get their perspectives on the issue.

Join us as we unpack the fallout from Geraldo Rivera's remarks and try to make sense of the heated debate they have generated.

#GeraldoRivera #georgefloydprotests #democraticparty #Backlash #ControversialComments #PoliceBrutality #blacklivesmatter #protests #victimblaming
#FoxNews #SocialMediaReactions #justiceforgeorgefloyd #equality #UrbanCenters
#CurrentEvents #newsbreaking #trending #viral #commentary #opinions #politics #conservative #politicalnews #foxnews #republican #cnn #msnbc #progressivenews #PoliceBrutality
#racialequality #racialinjustice #accountabilityforpolice
#politics #conservative #politicalnews #cnn #foxnews #progressivenews #republican #msnbc #blackconservativeperspective

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