School Task Force: Kim Cavill's Comments on New Hope and Our Response

1 year ago

During the March 15, 2023 High School District 211 Candidate Forum sponsored by the League of Women Voters, D211 Board Member Kim Cavill who is seeking re-election made comments directed at New Hope Community Church. This is a video of those comments.

In response, we drafted the following Open Letter to Board Member Cavill:

Dear Ms. Cavill,

At the recent League of Women Voters D211 Candidate Forum you stated that “New Hope Community Church desperately wants you off the board” because:

1) You “read your board documents and come to every meeting very prepared”
2) You “use good common sense”
3) You “strongly resist any attempt to politicize this district, this board and most importantly our students”

Ms Cavill, you know this is not true. We have criticized you for none of these things. We do, however, want you off the board–and you know why. Specifically, you support radical gender policy, extreme sex ed and obscene books in our schools. In short, you support using the schools to sexualize minor children.

A few months ago, with the election in view, you deleted every episode of your Six Minute Sex Ed podcasts for “teens and tweens.” (You even deleted the reference to teens and tweens!) This indicates you are well aware that your views regarding what is appropriate for minor children are not shared by the vast majority of parents or your constituents.

Although the podcasts themselves are gone, enough of your thoughts and views remain in the titles and descriptions to illustrate the problem.

- All About Oral Sex (Ep. 7)
- Let's Talk About Porn (Ep 15)
- Masturbation (Ep. 24)
- All About Butts! (Ep. 37)
- All About Anal (Ep. 38)
- Revenge Porn (Ep. 41)
- Can Boys Wear Dresses?
- Creating Queer Inclusive Spaces

Again, unbelievably, you created these for “teens and tweens.” Why would an adult woman be so determined that such content be shared with other people’s children?
During your podcast interview with Dr. Elisabeth Sheff on "Polyamory and Consensual Non-Monogamy" (Ep. 64) you asked,

“What advice do you have for HEALTH TEACHERS…who want to talk to young people about polyamorous and multi-parent family structures?“

Your agenda is clear. In our opinion, the examples listed here amply demonstrate that you do not belong on any school board. These sorts of discussions should be left to parents–if they are discussed at all.

I have many sermons on the internet, yet I have never deleted a single one. I believe the Bible is true and I WILL stand by my beliefs, regardless of how the wind blows. By contrast, you have hidden your beliefs during election season. If you truly thought your values were shared by the majority of our community, you would not have removed your podcasts.

Morality is not bigotry. Protecting the innocence of all children, regardless of how they identify, is not oppression. You stand by an empty podcast page with many deleted podcasts. We will stand by the Word of God.

The “Elephant in the Room”
Pr. James Pittman Jr. and the
New Hope Community Church School Task Force


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